目前分類:工業機械與家電 (20)

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  針對電力變壓器在運行中産生的PIC/S 規劃設計故障的原因以及排除的方法等做出了簡要的分析,筆者認爲正確的、合理的故障排除法對于變壓器設備能夠正常運行起到促進作用。一般來說,變壓器産生故障主要是由于其內部的組成、電路等方面出現了電力損耗而造成的,而外在的人爲因素或者是其他方面也有可能造成其故障的産生。所以,排除電力變壓器故障時,要抓住其原因所在而對症下藥沖床加工,從而提高其排除效果。


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塑料造粒機特點:塑料加入造粒料鬥後,由 料鬥順利地落到螺杆上,被螺杆螺紋咬住,隨著螺杆的旋轉被螺紋強制往機頭方向推進,構成一個機械輸送的過程。塑料自加料口往機頭運行時,由于螺杆的螺紋深 度逐漸減小,也由于濾網、分流板和機頭等阻力的存在,在塑料塑化過程中形成了很高的壓力,把物料壓得很密實,改善了它的傳熱導性,有助于塑料很快熔化,同 時逐漸增高的壓力以使原來存在于料粒之間的氣體從排氣孔排出。


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Nearly every busComposite cableiness office space, regardless of whether you have setup at home, or anywhere outside, requires ordering custom cable assembly of specific qualifications。 If you do not order it exactly as per your office space requirement, you would obviously end up facing many difficulties in wiring。 So here are 3 useful tips for you if you are going to order custom cables。

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EPDM comes in roCustom Mold Rubber Partslls, so laying it down on a flat roof is incredibly simple。 Installing the product can be very simple depending on how your house´s roof is shaped。 If your household has a flat roof, you are in for luck as the rubber roofing is typically used on flat or marginally flat surfaces。 EPDM membranes are presently available in seamless massive sheets, which would make it quite effortless to include small areas with a one sheet。

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You can avail chIP66eap shipping box that allows you to have an organized moving without breaking your budget。 These sturdy, high quality boxes are found in retailers that offer them in bundles。 If you think that moving can be so hard on your pocket because you need to secure many new boxes aside from paying the movers, then turn to those who do their business professionally and offer very reasonable rates。 Cheap shipping box can be availed at specialty stores that offer moving supplies。 They buy in a big bulk to be able to offer low prices to customerspanel PC

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Many of the metapowder metall and plastic products we use are colored。 We know that metal doesn´t have vibrant hues and is typically silvery, grey or a deep red。 To get it to achieve something along the lines of yellow or blue, a process called powder coating is applied。

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  設備簡介  光纖電焊機激光焊接機是我根據廣大用戶需求,特 別推出的一款全新的革命性的兼具固定和移動加工功能的光纖傳輸激光焊接機,該機光纖傳輸裝置,既可與主機固定,又可與主機分離;不僅可對小型工件進行激光 加工,還可對放置于地面的較大工件進行激光加工,一機多用,擴大使用範圍,增強了設備適應能力,激光加工頭具有手動調焦和CCD監視或目視顯微觀察功能; 具有激光束直接輸出和直角反射輸出功能,靈活機動的新型激光加工頭爲實現多種複雜加工解決方案創造了條件。

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環氧地面漆是一種新型的環氧樹脂建築地面漆,它是由 特種,有彈性的無毒固化劑、著色顔料、耐磨填料和助劑而成。環氧地面漆可以使一個容易起灰的、毫無生氣的暗灰色水泥地面變成一個整體性好、平整光潔、易除 塵清洗、耐撞擊、防腐蝕、防水、防油滲漏、色彩柔和、容易維修保養、安合舒適的工作環境。它可以改善生産人員的工作情緒,提高生産效率,可以防止産品愛塵 埃的汙損,提高其産品的質量。

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sintered metal-Selective Laser Sintering

WHAT IS SLS?sintered metal Rapid Prototyping refers to the creation of quick representations of final products from an initial idea and taking it through successive iterations until the final form is developed without tooling or molds。 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is one of the most popular Rapid Prototyping mechanisms in which a laser beam selectively fuses or sinters powder materials, nylon, elastomer etc。 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) can provide your manufacturing business with a leading edge by producing rapid plastic or metal prototypes that closely match their molded counterparts。

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 Ball bearings are small balls made of metal which are used, in different types of machines, to decrease friction. So it is also called anti-friction bearings. It is used in different moving devices to allow them to move freely. It is also used to lessen friction in axle assemblies and absorb the heaviness of an object placed on a moving device. One of the most common devices which use anti-friction bearings includes the roller skates. It is also used in different industrial applications to reduce friction and simplify movement of machines. Though these devices are quite efficient and essential to lessen friction, like any other mechanical device, it is also susceptible to damages and drawbacks. Some of the most important issues related to ball bearings are elaborated below.


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當當網、卓越亞馬遜……上網買印刷廠書,很多人首先想到的就是這些電商網站,而如今,也將觸角伸向了圖書領域。”據悉,商城中有50家國內外出版社、1000多家圖書網店,共推出在線圖書130萬種。值得一提的是,還提出了一個從“”到“家門口”的概念。   當當網、卓越亞馬遜……上網買書,很多人首先想到的就是這些電商真空包裝機網站,而如今,也將觸角伸向了圖書領域。

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